Events & Programs

Millbrook Health Centre’s Events and Programs

Millbrook Health Centre Events



On-going Weekly Workshops

On-going weekly workshops with a combination of traditional and western practices. Supported by the guiding principals of the Seven Grandfather Teachings, and following the balance of the Medicine Wheel, and with the support of community elders and knowledge keepers.

·       Intakes will be offered as closed groups (same participants throughout) of 7 participants, for 7-week cycles.

·        First 7-week intake will be (Mondays and Thursdays 9-11 AM) and the second intake (Mondays and Thursdays 1-3 PM).

·       Programming will also be offered hybrid (online and in person).

·        Intake packages will be available at the health Centre or request via email

When: Mondays and Thursdays  

Participants:  These workshops are designed to foster connection, prevention and support for anyone at risk or struggling with substance use, managing unwanted behaviors and/or general personal wellness.

“Urge Surfing” Zoom Support Group

“Urge Surfing” is a term for a technique used for managing unwanted behaviors, rather than giving into the urge, ride it out like a surfer riding out a wave. Over a short time, the urge will pass on its own. This group is for anyone needing support riding out the wave.

Participants: Open group (peer), please email your interest in participation to: no later than Friday each week and you will receive your Zoom link via email.

When: Wednesdays   8-9 PM

Where: Virtual (Zoom)

Relax with Max!  

For anyone interested in learning various relaxation techniques and must love dogs. Max is a lovable Coton breed, non shedding and hypo allergenic, signed waivers are available for attendees. Light snacks and refreshments will be served.        

Participants: Open group

When: Fridays 1-4 PM

Where: Health Centre Boardroom (at the back of the building)